Friday, 5 March 2010

Flying responsibilities

Flying responsibilities

Yesterday I boarded another flight to rain soaked Spain, leaving the sunshine of the UK behind me.

In my usual effort in trying to gain some legroom on board the plane I booked seat 2B. 2B is one of those rare seats on a plane where you pay around 15 pounds extra for another 6 inches..not a bad deal in the current economic climate, but the seat you really want is the holy exit aisle. The seat where you not only get loads more legroom, but become a member of the CREW for a day.

Supposedly at any time during the flight these chosen new recruits can be called upon to fling open the door the midst of burning jet fuel licking your ankles, be required to stand and guide fellow passengers to safety.

Now, I am sure that if any ailing passenger aside me at the door requires my assistance I would be there for them, but I cannot guarantee my actions amidst jet fuel and mayhem. As a member of the crew, that is unacceptable behaviour and one that has left me to evaluate my future with the airline.

1 comment:

  1. Dave, in the event of such a disaster I feel sure that your semi-retired alter-ego CooperMan would step in and take charge.
    The world is in safe hands....just like that!
